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PRESS RELEASE / Grand Opening-Ribbon Cutting 5-12-2021




Mickey Riesenberg
President / Co-Founder
Force Multiplier Management 
Phn/Fax/Txt:    1-855-267-7695 


Chamber to Host Event at HQ in Historic Downtown Fredericksburg VA

[STAFFORD, VIRGINIA, May 6, 2021] Today the Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce is set to officially announce one of its newest members, a new nonprofit management and consulting services company Force Multiplier Management to the region. 

The official ribbon-cutting ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 3:30 pm on the steps of the Chamber’s building in downtown Fredericksburg. The first-to-arrive group of attendees (open to the public, local business and nonprofit leaders encouraged to attend) will be welcomed with a gift-bag to mark the occasion and help the organizers celebrate this much-needed infusion of energy and enthusiasm to the area’s post-COVID marketplace.

In a recent podcast interview with the Chamber, Mickey Riesenberg, President and Co-Founder of Force Multiplier Management, expressed her excitement around the prospects of the future for the new company, “we felt like we could help (nonprofit) organizations and keep their overhead low.” She added “we’re not trying to take jobs away from anyone but their budgets are tight and we felt we can provide a (recovery) opportunity for them, and we can do it well.”

She noted that the temporary help is meant to get organizations back to full staffing and effectiveness as fast as possible, while being sensitive to the affordability of services. 

Force Multiplier Management’s business model – externally managing nonprofits well so they run better – is a growing trend across the country and in this nonprofit-heavy region. The real difference-maker for Force Multiplier is in the combination of vast qualifications its founders bring to the table with over 30 years combined direct experience managing and running nonprofits, coupled with the know-how to effectively and purposefully bring organizations into the digital landscape with an abundance of great new tools at their disposal.

“Everyone recognizes that the pandemic was the great big reset button for a lot of things,” continued Riesenberg. “One of those is how nonprofit organizations can manage the hit to their finances and missions, and creatively retool themselves to come back stronger and continue being impactful for the stakeholder communities that count on them.” 

Stemming from the reported loss of up to 1.6 million jobs (Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies - CCSS) in the nonprofit sector at the height of the pandemic, only a fraction have returned. Nonprofit organizations, already chronically under-resourced and overburdened, face an even steeper uphill recovery battle and challenge to their missions with the Johns Hopkins study estimating at least two-years until nonprofits return to pre-COVID employment levels. 

According to the founders, Force Multiplier Management is well-equipped to provide the professional services that nonprofits are going to need as they get back on track. These services can be extensive and full-time, or single-focused projects delivering temporary help. 

The Association Management Company Institute (AMCI) reported on the pandemic-driven increase in demand for consulting services, stating “Association management companies say they are seeing more inquiries from associations about providing services since the COVID-19 pandemic began, with many groups either seeking expertise in subjects where they lack experience or needing to outsource services previously provided by staff.”

“We really feel like the combination of our flexible professional services backed by our decades of experience, along with the abundance of new digital tools, and our nationwide pool of great vendors familiar with nonprofit work, are all going to line up well with the coming need of nonprofit organizations of all sizes as they advance through different stages of their recovery,” said Ms. Riesenberg. “With so much of our lives being spent working with mission-based organizations, this is an opportunity to really make a broad impact and find the satisfaction that comes from knowing we were able to help in meaningful ways. Whether it’s a turnaround situation or managing new growth, it’s an exciting time filled with prospect for great things to come.”

“We hope lots of people can safely come out to celebrate our collective resilience and intent for a better future with each other, and our Chamber leadership,” she said.

The event will follow all COVID-19 prevention and health standards as set by the CDC and Virginia Department of Health. This is a Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce hosted event.



Force Multiplier Management Ribbon Cutting


Fredericksburg Virginia Chamber of Commerce HQ

(Outside event weather permitting)

2300 Fall Hill Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22401


Wednesday May 12, 2021 3:30 – 4:15 pm ET

Invtd Speakers:    

Chamber representatives, Stafford and Fredericksburg public representatives, FMM Co-Founders


Event is open to the public. Chamber members, local nonprofit and business leaders invited. Gift-bag limited to first-50 people.

About Force Multiplier Management (FMM)

Force Multiplier Management LLC is a nonprofit management and small business consulting services firm located in Stafford, Virginia. The company capitalizes upon the extensive nonprofit experience of its co-founders and the desire to operate a business that is an engine for good, magnifying the existing resources in client organizations. FMM can cater programs and services for clients ranging from executive support and strategic organizational planning, to event management, meeting, financial, educational development services and more. Giving clients the tools they need, just when they need them, so they can get back on-mission. 


PDF Link Directory:

Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce: 
Force Multiplier Management: 
Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony: 
1.6 million jobs: 
AMCI reported: 


For more information on the Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce, or for any media inquiries related to the Chamber, please contact Tabitha Hall ( or visit 

For more information on Force Multiplier Management, scope of available services, or media inquiries, contact Mickey Riesenberg, or call/text to 1-855-267-7695.

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